Saturday 19 January 2013


- Another static algorithm is flooding, in which every incoming packet is sent out on every outgoing line except the one it arrived on. Flooding obviously generates vast numbers of duplicate packets, in fact, an infinite number unless some measures are taken to damp the process.

- One such measure is to have a hop counter contained in the header of each packet, which is decremented at each hop, with the packet being discarded when the counter reaches zero. Ideally, the hop counter should be initialized to the length of the path from source to destination.

- If the sender does not know how long the path is, it can initialize the counter to the worst case, namely, the full diameter of the subnet. An alternative technique for damming the flood is to keep track of which packets have been flooded, to avoid sending them out a second time.

- Achieve this goal is to have the source router put a sequence number in each packet it receives from its hosts. Each router then needs a list per source router telling which sequence numbers originating at that source have already been seen. If an incoming packet is on the list, it is not flooded.

- To prevent the list from growing without bound, each list should be augmented by a counter, k, meaning that all sequence numbers through k have been seen. When a packet comes in, it is easy to check if the packet is a duplicate; if so, it is discarded. Furthermore, the full list below k is not needed, since k effectively summarizes it.

Distance Vector Routing

- Modern computer networks generally use dynamic routing algorithms rather than the static ones described above because static algorithms do not take the current network load into account.

- Two dynamic algorithms in particular, distance vector routing and link state routing, are the most popular. In this section we will look at the former algorithm. In the following section we will study the latter algorithm.

- Distance vector routing algorithms operate by having each router maintain a table (i.e, a vector) giving the best known distance to each destination and which line to use to get there. These tables are updated by exchanging information with the neighbors.

- The distance vector routing algorithm is sometimes called by other names, most commonly the distributed Bellman-Ford routing algorithm and the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, after the researchers who developed it.

- It was the original ARPANET routing algorithm and was also used in the Internet under the name RIP. In distance vector routing, each router maintains a routing table indexed by, and containing one entry for, each router in the subnet.

- This entry contains two parts: the preferred outgoing line to use for that destination and an estimate of the time or distance to that destination. The metric used might be number of hops, time delay in milliseconds, total number of packets queued along the path, or something similar.

- This updating process is illustrated in Fig. Part (a) shows a subnet. The first four columns of part (b) show the delay vectors received from the neighbors of router J. A claims to have a 12-msec delay to B, a 25-msec delay to C, a 40-msec delay to D, etc. Suppose that J has measured or estimated its delay to its neighbors, A, I, H, and K as 8, 10, 12, and 6 msec, respectively.

                   Figure . (a) A subnet. (b) Input from A, I, H, K, and the new routing table for J.

· Consider how J computes its new route to router G. It knows that it can get to A in 8 msec, and A claims to be able to get to G in 18 msec, so J knows it can count on a delay of 26 msec to G if it forwards packets bound for G to A.

· Similarly, it computes the delay to G via I, H, and K as 41 (31 + 10), 18 (6 + 12), and 37 (31 + 6) msec, respectively. The best of these values is 18, so it makes an entry in its routing table that the delay to G is 18 msec and that the route to use is via H.

The Count-to-Infinity Problem

- Distance vector routing works in theory but has a serious drawback in practice: although it converges to the correct answer, it may do so slowly. In particular, it reacts rapidly to good news, but leisurely to bad news. Consider a router whose best route to destination X is large.

- To see how fast good news propagates, consider the five-node (linear) subnet of Fig, where the delay metric is the number of hops. Suppose A is down initially and all the other routers know this. In other words, they have all recorded the delay to A as infinity.

                                         Figure. The count-to-infinity problem.

- When A comes up, the other routers learn about it via the vector exchanges. For simplicity we will assume that there is a gigantic gong somewhere that is struck periodically to initiate a vector exchange at all routers simultaneously.

- At the time of the first exchange, B learns that its left neighbor has zero delay to A. B now makes an entry in its routing table that A is one hop away to the left. All the other routers still think that A is down.

- At this point, the routing table entries for A are as shown in the second row of Fig.(a). On the next exchange, C learns that B has a path of length 1 to A, so it updates its routing table to indicate a path of length 2, but D and E do not hear the good news until later.

- Clearly, the good news is spreading at the rate of one hop per exchange. In a subnet whose longest path is of length N hops, within N exchanges everyone will know about newly-revived lines and routers.

- On the second exchange, C notices that each of its neighbors claims to have a path to A of length 3. It picks one of the them at random and makes its new distance to A 4, as shown in the third row of Fig.

- Subsequent exchanges produce the history shown in the rest of Fig.From this figure, it should be clear why bad news travels slowly: no router ever has a value more than one higher than the minimum of all its neighbors.

- Gradually, all routers work their way up to infinity, but the number of exchanges required depends on the numerical value used for infinity. For this reason, it is wise to set infinity to the longest path plus 1.

- If the metric is time delay, there is no well-defined upper bound, so a high value is needed to prevent a path with a long delay from being treated as down. Not entirely surprisingly, this problem is known as the count-to-infinity problem.

- There have been a few attempts to solve it, but none of these work well in general. The core of the problem is that when X tells Y that it has a path somewhere, Y has no way of knowing whether it itself is on the path.

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